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This is the
young generations’ call
for climate justice.

Bob Loughman

Former Prime Minister of Vanuatu

This is for
the world’s
most vulnerable.

Bob Loughman

Former Prime Minister of Vanuatu

This is for
our collective

Bob Loughman

Former Prime Minister of Vanuatu

© Abir Abdullah

Our vision

Visionary youth from around the world are taking governments to court for failing to protect our climate. For the first time in history, this fight has reached the world’s highest court.

The NOT JUST CELSIUS project makes this complex topic accessible to the wider public and calls on people all around the world to take up the call for climate justice.

Why Climate Justice needs the International Court of Justice

Our impact

Over 80,000 people signed our petition calling on the EU to act as a real “climate leader” and commit to the ICJ Advisory Opinion proceedings on climate change and human rights!

The petition was handed into the EU commission in February 2024. Check it out!

Read the petition

© Alliance for a Climate Justice Advisory Opinion

The road to the

International Court of Justice

© Alliance for a Climate Justice Advisory Opinion

March 2019

The youth-led organization PISFCC launches a campaign to take climate justice to the International Court of Justice (World Court).



September 2021

The government of Vanuatu incorporates the campaign into its policies and international negotiations.


©PISFCC/New York

March 2023

In a historic United Nations vote, more than 130 countries support Vanuatu’s call to take climate justice to the World Court.



March 2024

All countries, including UN member states, and designated organizations may submit their views on this issue via a written statement to the court.


© Stephanie Keith / Greenpeace

December 2024

States and organizations can express their views on the issue through an oral hearing before the court.


In 2025

The International Court of Justice is expected to issue an authoritative legal statement (Advisory Opinion) on climate justice.