With our cross-platform media campaign – NOT JUST CELSIUS, we made the first ever climate proceeding at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) accessible to a broader public.
A decisive ruling by the ICJ should promote binding, ambitious and holistic climate action, contributing to a just and livable future for all humanity.
We believe that this historic process should be understood by all citizens of the world and that the youth fighting for climate justice must be seen and heard.
The road to the
International Court of Justice

© Alliance for a Climate Justice Advisory Opinion
March 2019
The youth-led organization PISFCC launches a campaign to take climate justice to the International Court of Justice (World Court).

September 2021
The government of Vanuatu incorporates the campaign into its policies and international negotiations.

©PISFCC/New York
March 2023
In a historic United Nations vote, more than 130 countries support Vanuatu’s call to take climate justice to the World Court.

March 2024
All countries, including UN member states, and designated organizations may submit their views on this issue via a written statement to the court.

© Stephanie Keith / Greenpeace
December 2024
States and organizations can express their views on the issue through an oral hearing before the court.

In 2025
The International Court of Justice is expected to issue an authoritative legal statement (Advisory Opinion) on climate justice.

Research Approach
The campaign research draws on the scholarship of intersectionality theory with the decolonial approach. This is essential for addressing climate justice within the historical context of the climate crisis, which has shaped and continues to influence climate vulnerability and actions.
To take a deep dive into our work and learn more about the knowledge database that we aggregated for this research, you can read about our research methodology and explore into our research repository.
Creative Producer
Project Lead
Impact Producer
Content Director and Editorial Lead
Video Content Creator
Digital Producer
Community Manager
Research Associate
Content Director (until August 2023)
Executive Producers

Global alliance for a Climate Justice Advisory Opinion
Carnegie Foundation
Center for International Environmental Law
Climate Action Network
Climate Analytics (scientific partner)
Doc Society
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights
Greenpeace International
Global Strategic Communications Council
Movies That Matter
Municipality of The Hague
Oxfam International
Stroom Den Haag
The Hague Humanity Hub
We don’t have time
Social media collaborations
Brot für die Welt Jugend
Client Earth
Fridays for Future International
Girl rising
Icarus complex magazine
Indigenous Climate Action
Intersectional environmentalist
Re Earth Initiative
The Climate Propagandist
We don’t have time
People with audiences
Ayisha Siddiqa
Dominique Palmer
Hannah Prins
Jessica Kleczka
Joycelyn Longdon
Kamila Camilo
Kassy Cho
Louisa Schneider
Mariana Teran
Melati Wijsen
Mitzi Jonelle
Raki Ap
Tori Tsui
Veronica Mulenga
Adriana Loureiro
Amaan Ali
Anthony Ochieng
Fabeha Monir
Garry Lotulung
Irene Barlian
Ishan Tankha
Kiana Hayeri
Maheder Haileselassie
Marcos Zegers
Roun Ry
Samantha Reinders
Tulsi Rauniyar
Media production and campaigning
Social media strategy and campaign
Impact campaigning
Audience workshops and editorial
Out of home Witness Stand campaign, The Hague
Video production: Taking climate justice to the world’s highest court
Motion graphics: Taking climate justice to the world’s highest court
Studio Float
Media technology, Climate Justcie Story Lab
RF Shows
Archive producer
Chrysanthi Goula
Production coordination and editing, Witness Stand
Luisa von Richthofen
Co-curation and co-moderation for Climate Justice Story Lab
Chautuileo Tranamil
UX and Coding, The Scale data tool
Michael Dunbar
Consulting data design, The Scale data tool
Regine Abos
Coordination and facilitation of ART x LAW think tank
Leon Lapa Pereira
Camera and production assistance, video interviews and Witness Stand
Philip Treschan
Sound design and sound mixing, ICJ Visitor Center exhibition
Uğur Akagündüz
Graphic design and print, Long Night of Sciences
Marit Roloff
Camera and on-location producing (London), ICJ Visitor Center exhibition
Sam Day Thomson
Colorgrading, ICJ Visitor Center exhibition
Lukas Link
Video editing, ICJ Visitor Center exhibition
Anna Ilin
Video footage and 3D audio recordings
Felix Golenko
Videography and photography for documentation, The Hague
Gergely Ofner
Videography and photography for documentation, The Hague
Lennard van der Valk
Voiceover for project impact video
Tori Tsui
Thanks to
Participants of the target audience workshops
Witnesses who shared their stories for the witness stand
Participants of the ART x LAW think tank
Panelists and speakers who joined our events
Justin Rose, Juan Auz, and Nadia Sánchez Castillo-Winckels for their legal consulting
Aditi Shetye, Maria Syed, Samira Ben Ali, and Siosiua Alo Veikune
who shared their climate stories for the ICJ Visitor Center exhibition
Philippe Assouline for his strategic social media consulting
Special thanks to
Solomon Yeo, Vishal Prasad, Siosiua Veikune, Sonia Jit, Sahil Chandra, Jule Schnakenberg, Mert Kumru, Yasmin Bijvank, Aoife Fleming, Moriah Prescia, Felix Golenko, Marija Pop Trajkova
A project of

The Interactive Media Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to creating impactful narratives on socially relevant topics.
We believe that appreciation, responsiveness, cooperation, and diversity are the basis of social cohesion.
Our commitment to these values is the foundation of our work towards democratic structures.